Derived from the current situation in Mexico and the world, where the tourism sector is one of the most affected, we make our investment bonds available to you “Buy in red and travel in green” whose purpose is to support each other.

With the purchase of this voucher you are helping to support the families that make it possible for the magic of Hacienda Los Picachos to exist. In exchange for your support we will make your investment worth more.

Investment bonds available
– $3,000 gives you $5,000
– $5,000 gives you $8,000
– $8,000 gives you $13,000

We appreciate your support.

To acquire your bonus you can communicate


Terms and Conditions

  1. The total of the voucher can be used for lodging. Does not apply to other services.
  2. Purchases are non-refundable.
  3. Bonuses are transferable.
  4. The purchase of the voucher is not a reservation. To book you must contact the reservations department directly and mention the package. It is considered a reservation until confirmed by the reservations department.
  5. To travel throughout the year, except bridges, holidays, vacations and dates with a private event at the hotel.
  6. Subject to availability.
  7. Restrictions apply.